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Interpreter Information

Foreign Language Interpreters

The Thirty-Ninth Judicial Circuit provides spoken language court interpreters to limited-English-proficient persons in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 476.803 of the Missouri Revised Statues.

Qualified spoken language court interpreters will be appointed where a fundamental interest is at stake and the inability of individuals to understand or express themselves in English may prevent full and necessary participation in court proceedings. Such cases include, but are not limited to, criminal proceedings, juvenile delinquency or abuse and neglect, paternity, domestic violence cases, and mental health and incapacity proceedings.

Qualified spoken language court interpreters will also be appointed for limited-English-proficient witnesses or victims in any proceeding wherein the non-party limited-English-proficient individuals presence or participation in the court proceeding is necessary or appropriate. This includes victims and parents and/or guardians of minor victims of crime or of juveniles and family members involved in delinquency or abuse and neglect proceedings.

Requests for spoken language court interpreters must be received in advance of the scheduled proceeding. In the case of certain languages of lesser diffusion or unscheduled interpreting, more time may be necessary to arrange for a qualified interpreter and a remote interpreting service may be used.

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Interpreters

The Court may not discriminate against any person based on a qualified disability.  The Court will provide the means for effective communication for parties, witnesses, jurors and spectators in every case.

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifically protects qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination in the services, programs, or activities of all state and local governments. Sections 476.750 – 476.766 of the Missouri Revised Statutes addresses assistance to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.


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